Ground Yourself in Less Than 5 Minutes

I’ve been hearing from a lot of my students that they’re having trouble relaxing, and rightly so. We are going through a great upheaval and digging up roots of injustice that were buried long ago.

This is the work. And it’s messy. It’s uncomfortable. And there’s a lot more that needs to be done, but it must be done if we want our children to live in a society where the pillars of systemic racism have been brought down. We need to show our support in whatever way we can to BIPOC, whether that’s marching in the streets, donating, or educating ourselves and changing our behavior.  

As you continue to be a part of the change, take time to ground yourself. You may notice there is more clarity and from clarity comes tangible action. I created this simple breathing exercise to immediately center yourself and ground yourself during these trying times.

Ground & Calm Yourself in Less Than 5 Minutes